前回『アルファダイアグ AlfaDiag を使ってみる(その2)アルファロメオ 156TS セレスピード (GF-932A2 Selespeed) エアバッグ警告灯点灯』の続きです。
今回の車両は MY97 Airbag System です。
Q. How can I connect to the Airbag System?
A. On older Alfa Romeo vehicles not fitted with a 16 pin J1962 diagnostic connector the MY97 airbag system uses the same type of FIAT three pin connector as the Engine ECU.
On Alfa Romeo vehicles with a 16 Pin J1962 diagnostic connector the MY97 Airbag ECU is connected to Pin 3 on the connector. It is possible with a modified J1962M to J1962F to connect Pin 7 of the diagnostic interface to Pin 3 of the diagnostic connector.
Note: Due to production volume requirements AlfaDiag will unfortunately be unable to be bundled with a custom cable for the 16 Pin diagnostic socket as used in Alfa Romeo vehicles.
次回『アルファダイアグ AlfaDiag を使ってみる(その4、最終回)アルファロメオ 156TS セレスピード (GF-932A2 Selespeed) エアバッグ警告灯点灯』に続く。
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