カテゴリ: 日産

23年24万キロを愛車と過ごせるホントの理由とは(日産 サニーカリフォルニア E-WFY10)


平成7年式 E-WFY10 GA15 4AT 走行距離 244,000km












“Even after completing this maintenance, I will continue to check every day.”

1995y E-WFY10 Engine:GA15 4AT Mileage 244,000km

I have already been with him who owns Sunny California for 6 years. He always comes from his home over 200 km each way. I am always surprised by his sunny clean engine room and interior and exterior.

When I explained the contents of this maintenance and future car association, he mentioned the comment at the beginning.

You may feel like an automobile inspection (24 months inspection) as if the car was refreshed and you could ride with confidence until the next vehicle inspection.

An automobile inspection (24 months inspection) is an image of “health check” compared to humans.

As a result of inspection, clarify the place different from the standard, consult with the owner about the treatment. There are things to treat at the time of automobile inspection, others may see the change of state continuously to the owner. It is difficult to cure the results of the car’s past uncertainty, but I can advise to slow down the progress of the symptoms.

As the car age / mileage goes forward, the possibility of a malfunction increases. That is a natural thing, but if it says whether to introduce a lot of expenses accordingly and to take countermeasures of possible places (including parts exchange) one by one, including rare cases, will lead to safety and security, rather it is It tends to be indifferent, and consciousness may be far away from confirming safety.

Daily inspection, 12 months inspection, 24 months inspection are considered obligations of users under the Road Trucking Vehicle Act in JAPAN. We are partly responsible for automobile maintenance business. There are many things to tell from me that I have seen various cases at regular checkup, but I can not help you until daily inspection.

I think that it is the first secret of long service life that the owner keeps viewing the contents that you told at the time of delivery until the next regular inspection.

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